The Shinomiya Family (四宮家, Shinomiya-ka) consisted of Isao Shinomiya, his wife Hikari Shinomiya and daughter Kikoru Shinomiya, leaving only her as the sole family member alive.[1]
Known Members[]
- Isao Shinomiya (Deceased)
- Hikari Shinomiya (Deceased)
- Kikoru Shinomiya
The Shinomiya Family has always been part of the Anti-Kaiju business in Japan, with all of its known family members serving as strong and remarkable soldiers during their tenure in the Defense Force.
Domestically speaking, Isao Shinomiya and Hikari Shinomiya have always been as serious on the battlefield as they were loving and caring with their young daughter Kikoru Shinomiya.[2] However, ever since Hikari's death,[2] the relationship between Isao and Kikoru worsened due to Isao's trauma causing him to become a more demanding and strict man even towards his daughter, who in return vowed to push herself to the pinnacle of the Defense Force ranks to become like her mother and reach her father's expectations.[3]
At some point, Isao Shinomiya and Hikari Shinomiya married and started a family together.
Ten years ago, when Kikoru Shinomiya was still in middle school and both of them were active members of the Defense Force, Hikari found her death when she faced Kaiju No. 6 along with the Second Division,[4] deeply scarring Isao and Kikoru.[2] In the years that followed, Isao became stricter with Kikoru and less present in her life.[3]
Years later, Isao managed to climb the ranks of the Defense Force to the role of Director General,[5] and Kikoru, at 16 years of age after graduating valedictorian at California Neutralization University,[6] joined the Defense Force as an official officer in the Third Division.[7]
Months later, after the transfer of Kikoru and Kafka Hibino in the First Division,[8] Isao faced an improved Kaiju No. 9 in battle before finding his death at the hands of the monster,[9] leaving Kikoru as the only family member left alive.[1] Isao's funeral was held in every Defense Force base after the battle.[1]
- The surname Shinomiya contains the kanji for "four" (四, shi) and "temple, shrine, palace" (宮, miya).